This is one of the funnest projects I worked on here at Blur.
You can check out the videos here'
Fuzzy Face!
Now this right here is a MAN's concept! the Bunny Room! I specifically asked to do this piece, I was thinking of my niece Lyric when I drew it.
These are some stamps for the clubhouse scene..
So clearly I had reference for these guys. I was attempting to make little designy and painterly illustrations..
I thought it would be fun to have a landscape for the stamp behind the goldfish at the podeum in the clubhouse. I thought it would be neat just in case the camera zoomed in close enough you'd get the feeling that the character was in another place. It doesn't serve the story but, it serves my silliness!
These are environments for the spot featuring the basketball player D!wyane. It was nice to try and flex my 'painted cartoony design chops'. I think some aspects of these pieces are successful but, I think some of the shapes and brush strokes lack grace here and there. Still..they were great fun to work on.
I almost' didn't show this last piece mainly because it reeks of the mediocre. I am a huge fan of the Disney Layout and Design Artists from the 2D days so when I see myself busting out subpar techniques and designs it kind of gets to me. The clouds really lack balance when it comes to how their sub-forms are arranged and the perspective in general needed more attention. And again clumsy brush work, ill informed color palette and blah blah blah blah ^_^
Thanks for lookin!
These are great!!
Quite the update!
FREAKING awesome man!
amazing!!!!!!!!! )
You know I love..m!!!!!!
Beautiful man!
Great works! Awesome!!!
All of these are gorgeous pieces! I absolutely love the designs for Fuzzy Face! You have such a great diverse talent!
Lol awesome man!
Wow, love the rough paintings a lot!!! Great colors :]
super impressed !
Will you sponsor me to come to CA and take your class? LOL Love you brother! Your work inspires and amazes me...I shared your blog with my graphic design classmates...They loved your work too:) Surprised??...NOT
Very very nice Joshua. I'm especially digging the first 4 images. They're top notch to me. That room is just perfect! I like your brush treatment as well. Great stuff man.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love the hamsters. I think the only issue I have is the sun is really bright in the last piece so it's kind of distracting. Otherwise I really like your work.
good ones josh
these are awesome dude.
GODDAMN! Always impressed at your range mang !
characters are super cute! ^^
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