
Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter and the Cartoon Grim!

the Last Book :('s kinda in there ^ ^

Saturday day night I was listening to my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows while working on the image below this text. I also had a bad cough so I decide cold beverages weren't the way to go so I brewed some tea. And when I was through with my drink I was surprised to see a CARTOON GRIM staring back at me! You can see his two ears, two bushy black eye brows(I assume only cartoon Grims have eye brows ^ ^) and his snout ending in a black nose which is a bit obscured by the glare in the photo. Perhaps because it was 4am or because of the euphoria that is J.K.Rowling and Harry Potter I was extremely pleased to see this dark yet cartoony omen. Or perhaps because it was 4am I went completely mental. I don't rule that out. ^ ^ I have since then completed the book which I really enjoyed. Perhaps the Grim symbolized the end of all our adventures along Harry's side. I will greatly miss new adventures with Mrs. Rowlings characters.. :( DEFINITELY NOT NERDY AT ALLL!

40k Chaos Space Marine

And on a more solemn note here is something I most likely did for nothing. I feel like no matter how much care or passion I put into what I am doing I'm thwarted again and again. I assume that people who draw stick figures or to those enthawled with sloppy brush strokes and no desire for anything that resembles draftsmanship that notion may sound falsely modest. I'm just tired of making fluff. But, there is always my graphic novel Fading Oasis and that makes me happy enough . OH! ..and good news! The COMIC CON IS THIS WEEK!!!!! ^ ^



  1. Well i thought i left a message here the other day!! But i will do it again!!

    Hey this is neat!!!

  2. go Josh!
    Youre on a roll!!!
    Keep em coming!

  3. Nice, hope your Xmas was Great!

  4. Nice man- love the balance of render and implied

