
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Ape!

"HI! I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such cartoons as Christmas Ape! and Christmas Ape Goes to Summer Camp!"

Merry Christmas Everyone! -JtJ

Like anatomically incorrect apes much? ^ ^

"I hate all apes I see from Chimpan-A to ChimpanZee" - Planet of the Apes Musical - Troy McClure

Rest in Peace Phil Hartman...


  1. Hey whats up man! Ya it was great to meet you guys again and get the chance get to better know you guys. So your working on a graphics novel as well, thats awesome!

  2. hey joshua,

    great of you to drop by my site! yeah, i do remember you from lucas!! damn, it's been a long time. nice site you got here. hope you'll post more. what have you been up to?

  3. Hey Joshua,

    Nice blog. Are you going to update anytime soon?

  4. DROOL Leyendecker is amazing that man is just fantastic!!!!!!!! When i was studying for fashion illustration he was my shinning prince

  5. Great work!!

    Love the graphic novel blog as well!
