
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Doppel Gang Banger...

In the spirit of Halloween...

Because I am tired of looking at my last blog post I have decided to update with this Horrifying piece of concept art. Mind you..when I say 'Horrifying' I am not referring to the genre, but the quality of the execution. This 'Doppelganger and Variation' was done when I was still with Mythic for the upcoming Dark Age of Camelot expansion, the Labyrinth of the Minotaur(heh- every time I read that title I hear it said in an old 50's horror movie announcer's voice ^_^).

Just to clarify.. On this blog you may find me speak in a manner that will seem self-loathing, but I assure you it's an attitude set only towards self improvement. When there are works out there from great artists such as J.C. Leyendecker, Dermot Power and Neil Campbell Ross(Limbolo) it's quite difficult to become too satisfied with ones self...

And for those imaginary friends reading this blog I promise will be updated shortly. <( ^_^ )>


p.s. if you haven't yet, take a look at Jeremy Lipking's work. He has some great figurtive paintings.

Happy Halloween Sketch!

...this was taking too long to finish so I'll abandon it and call it a sketch ^_^


  1. Nice new post...I said horrorifying!I wanted to see a new post from you.
    Hell o from barcelona

  2. Good work and funny hallowen sketch. This week is the release of The labyrinth of the minotaur here in Barcelona (Del Toro movie). I'll be looking for some reference that they would been taken from the game.

  3. really great halloween peice man!
