Sunday, May 11, 2008

Digital Junk Drawer

Here are a few sketches from the past couple of years. They're definitely not that great but, I think fun enough to post... (^ ^) -Joshua


Unknown said...

You call these junk?? Man these are pretty fun to look at, from your fun shapes to the cool overall design process. Tight effect).


Tom Scholes said...

These are rad dude. Love the last one to death. Always good to see new stuff from you, keep posting!

Jason Scheier said...

so amazing! :D

McLean Kendree said...

Hey man, be as modest as you like, but some of these are bona-fide sweet!

Daniel Andrews said...

I like the very Creepy and Organic creature designs. Your have a great range, being able to go from Cartoon-ish to the Dark styles.
Diggin the work man. :D

Unknown said...

I think this stuff is pretty awesome.

Joseph Lee said...

Lovin' these designs man! Great stuff here!

Carlos Ruano said...

BRAVO!!!! what a lot of work and very inspiring... ¡¡¡great!!!

Unknown said...

great sketches - alot of fun and good ideas

Alfred Llupia said...

Hi Joshua,great great!i love this sketches!

Joshua James said...

Thanks Everyone! I'm always very apprehensive about posting my digital sketches. I always felt I had a tougher time making a quick digital sketches look presentable. Especially when there are so many others that I admire that do it so well.

I'm very happy you guys dig'em!

Anna Migliaccio said...

Wow ... your style is fantastic .. I piacie very much ... congratulations!

naomiful said...

Such great designs! I'm particularly eyeing your line sketches and silhouettes :)

Oh, I'm start some classes at Conceptdesign academy here for the summer term haha... should be fun!

abeoh! said...

woooo.. nice update man!

Unknown said...

say what now your going backwards and removing should be putting more work up!

Adamdraws said...

I just discovered your blog and have since spent a large amount of time looking and being amazed by your work. Great Inspiration. I can't wait to see more.

Unknown said...

:o yawn! Wheres the new stuff?

Anonymous said...

Too damn cool .
Great stuff .

Sean Andrew Murray said...

I am very much impressed at the cleanliness of your lines and shapes. Always fun to check out what you have going on here. Have fun out at Comic-Con! Say HI to all the usual suspects for me. Sorry I can't be there... again. :P

abeoh! said...

good grief! thats an awesome post!

eyekaps said...

cool stuff

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Stunning artwork !!!!

Red Fox said...

Nice character concepts.
Really cool artwork.
Good job man!

Jackson Sze said...

Dude your work is incredible.

Josh Silvas said...

boy am i glad i stumbled across this page. :) this stuff is awesome man!

chengwhich said...

wow, i love your line work!

Parka said...

Seriously cool stuff. You should post more!

jason hazelroth said...

those girls at the top are hot. great looking work

Clay Shanks said...

Personally, I like the one of the dudes without any mouths. Most of the time I just wish people would shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Man your stuff is sweeet!!!!

jazzlamb said...

You do know your work is FABULOUS right? I wish I could do work half as stunning as this!

El Jo$€ Art. Tattoo said...

So nice post!!!!

Unknown said...

Nice work, man. I love the green goblin in the blue toga. Great stuff all around, though.

sheffels said...

I love how graphic yet loose the floating civilizations are. All of its awesome.